Shabbat Lech Lecha @ Bet David

Dear Congregants and Friends,

Last Shabbat was amazing – we celebrated a wonderful Adult Bat Mitzvah with Fiona Capstick and the victory of the South African rugby team in Japan was sensational. May the year continue this way. 😊

This Saturday, our Shabbat Talks resume with a talk by Rabbi Schell, looking at Germany today, 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall (after the brocha at 11h45 for 12h00).

Please join us for the uplifting Yoga Minyan at Bet David on Saturday morning at 10:30am, taking place parallel to the service in the shul. The session is suitable for beginners, advanced yogi, young and old. It will include Yoga Asanas, breathing, stretching and mediation, led by qualified Yoga teacher Carine Delhaye. Tarren Beyleveld, from the Bet David Choir, will sing to accompany the Yoga and a Drasha by the Chairman of Bet David Desmond Sweke will be given as part of the Yoga session. Dress: Comfortable clothing suitable for Yoga. Please bring a yoga mat, if you have one, and a small blanket

Shabbat Lech Lecha 5780

Friday, 08 November 2019
* Kabbalat Shabbat Service (18h00)

Saturday, 09 November 2019
* Shabbat morning service (09h30)
* Yoga Minyan in the garden (10h30)
* services followed by a Brocha in the garden
and a talk by Rabbi Schell (11h45 for 12h00)

Sunday, 10 November 2019
Commemoration of the 1938 November Pogroms: Sugihara and the Jewish Refugees who landed in Japan (14h30) @ Goethe Institute
119 Jan Smuts Ave (see attached flyer)
RSVP Jordan @

Next week, we welcome Shabbat in our unique Progressive way,Β  inviting you to participate in our Egalitarian & Inclusive Challah Bake on Thursday (14. November @ 18h00), Shabbat services on Friday evening (followed by a Pizza Supper) and Saturday morning (followed by a Brocha). Brett Steingo will lead a discussion after the brocha on how β€œKeeping Shabbat the Progressive way”. On Sunday, 17 November @ 14h30 for 15h00 we will host a High Tea for Seniors. Please RSVP for the Challah Bake and the High Tea to Diane at Our youth has a very special Mitzvah Day project and is asking for your support – Thank you all in advance. You can find information about all these events and the Mitzvah Project below and in our Newsletter: Bet David AdKan – Shabbat Lech Lecha 5780.

Last, but not least – if you haven’t booked your seat for the Sean Brokensha event at Bet David on Sunday, 24 November, please contact Diane for further details: 011-783-7117 or

Shabbat shalom

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