Bet David Position Statement
Dear Congregants and Friends of Bet David,
Over the past few weeks there have been statements made in the media by Rabbis and Office Bearers of other Synagogues regarding “anti-Israel movements” and other issues. These views are not necessarily shared by the Rabbinic Team and Management of Bet David. Our position, as confirmed at the Bet David Management Committee meeting of 20 November 2014, is clear.
As a Progressive Synagogue, Bet David fosters and teaches critical thinking about the challenges of contemporary life. As a congregation, we are committed to providing a comforting setting for personal diversity centred in the rich tradition and values of Progressive Judaism.
Our commitment to the South African Union for Progressive Judaism (SAUPJ) and the World
Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) emphasises the legitimacy of the State of Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people.
Kind regards
Desmond Sweke,
Chairman: Bet David Management Committee