Judaism from A to Z—”G: Gan Eden and Gehinnom”
Judaism from A to Z—”G: Gan Eden and Gehinnom” You might have heard before that we Jews can be quite relaxed when someone curses us, saying “we should go to […]
Judaism from A to Z—”G: Gan Eden and Gehinnom” You might have heard before that we Jews can be quite relaxed when someone curses us, saying “we should go to […]
Judaism from A to Z—”F: Free will (a different perspective)” Since every human being is endowed with free will, even if a superior orders you to perform an evil act, […]
Judaism from A to Z—E: “Eye for an Eye” If one could speak of biblical verses being vilified, then “an eye for an eye” would be the most vilified of […]
Judaism from A to Z—”Diaspora” Diaspora identifies any place outside of the land of Israel where Jews live. The term derived from the Greek διασπείρω diaspeiro (“scatter”). The first diaspora began with […]
Judaism from A to Z—”Chosenness” The idea of being a chosen people has often been a sticky issue for Jews, and a source of tension with those we live amongst. […]
One of the most important prayers in Judaism and one of the very few that the Bible commands us to recite, is never recited during synagogue services. That prayer is the birkat […]
Judaism from A to Z—”Afterlife” The afterlife (Olam haBa) is rarely discussed in Jewish life, be it among Reform, Conservative, or Orthodox Jews. This is in marked contrast to the […]