Community News
Report from ManCom
The new Management Committee held their constitutive meeting on Wednesday, 19 April. There, they voted in the new executive; chair, vice chair and treasurer. The results are as follows:
Chairman: Eric Milner ; Vice chairman: Steven Solomon; Treasurer: Geoff Van Flymen
They also assigned different portfolios to the members of the committee. In the upcoming weeks all ManCom members will present their portfolio and their ideas for Bet David in Ad Kan. If you like to contact ManCom, please use the following email address:
Mazal tov and Behatzlacha to the new executive and team.
Limmud 2017
Limmud 2017 registration is now open! Limmud is a weekend-long celebration and symposium of Jewish learning and culture that is held in over 80 communities in 43 countries. South Africa’s Limmud conference attracts some of the most exciting local and international talent in the world of Jewish thought and culture.
Below: Welcoming Gen Edwards in shul last week