Community News
Thank you
- To the lay leaders and the choir who have led the services this Shabbat.
- To Bruce Joelson for sponsoring the light supper this Friday in honour of his birthday on 21 July.
- To Tayba Vaughan and Tessa Marietta for co-sponsoring the brocha this Saturday in honour of their recent birthdays.
- To Geoff van Flymen for the recent yahrzeit donation in memory of the late Gladys van Flymen.
- To Len Gronemann for the yahrzeit donation in memory of the late Hans Gronemann.
- To Michelle & Ron Klipin in memory of the late Sylvia Reichman.
- To Roger Scheuble for leading the Torah Breakfast last Shabbat (15 July) and to Pat Farrell for bringing delicious donuts for the Breakfast.
- To the Anonymous donor for sponsoring the brocha last Shabbat.
- To Ken Klugman for re-donating his July winnings to Bet David Kehillah 50/50 club .
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