Community News
Thank you to all the sponsors for this last Shabbat, Bruce (pictured top left) for Friday night’s supper and Tessa and Tayba for Saturday’s brocha. Thank you to everyone who was present and helped them celebrate their birthdays’ at Bet David. Just by looking at these few photos, we can see that it was a lovely Shabbat with the Bet David Family!
- To Peter and Stephen Levenberg on the passing of their beloved mother, Bertha Levenberg, grandmother of Philippa, Jocelyn, Lauren, Nicole and Lisa.
- To Ingrid, Beverley, Glen, Clifford and Robin Cooper on the passing of their father, Sonny Cooper.
May their memories be for a blessing.
Thank you
“To the congregants of Bet David who contributed towards heat resistant gloves.
I live in an area where fynbos fires are a regular occurrence and a necessity. I followed the fires in Knysna in July quite closely as we have friends who live there and had to evacuate their home twice, spending the night in their cars with their children and dogs. I felt completely helpless as there is so little one can do from so far away. When I read that the volunteer fire fighters had their hands burnt while trying to save homes, land and livestock I knew there was finally something I could do. I sent my Mom (Monica) a WhatsApp message asking her to please ask our glove supplier for a donation of heat resistant gloves. She went one step further and asked you, the members of a congregation so far removed from the devastation, to put your hands into your pockets and buy a pair of gloves. And they (Steven and Monica) would match the donation pair for pair. I expected a dozen pairs to arrive here for me to send to Knysna. Instead, 10 times that amount were given to me.
I made contact with Lauren Reynders who lives on Abundance Farm in Rheenendal. The people from this area are responsible for their own fire-fighting efforts and their “Angel Team” consists of 20 members. One of the items on their wish list included safety gear and in her own words, she did a *happy dance* when I made an offer to send her the resistant gloves. 60 pairs were sent and the balance of the gloves will be distributed via the Southern Cape Fire Protection Association to people most in need.
I wanted to ensure the rest of the gloves were donated in the area I live in. Last fire season we had awful fires from Grabouw to Somerset West. And only a few weeks ago a fire broke out in Betty’s Bay. I made contact with the Grabouw branch of the Volunteer Wildfire Services and sent them 60 pairs of gloves. They are having a large training exercise at the end of this month and the gloves will be handed out to all participants then. I can only pray that they are never needed! This is a thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity in giving to people you may never meet, in areas you may never visit. May you be blessed tenfold with the blessing you have given others.
Tandy Sinclair
Gordons Bay”
To read more about the Angel Team: