Community News
Dear Congregants and Friends
The opening of our new Shul and the many outstanding services we celebrated together in the past few weeks have left a good feeling of community and gratitude in our hearts. The fact that we not only achieved but even surpassed our self-imposed goals for the High Holy Days, was only possible because of the many helping hands, most of them behind the scenes.
We would like to thank first of all, all of you, the members of our community. Your support is much appreciated and we are thrilled to have you. We thank all our donors , our staff, the Rabbi, the Choir, the many volunteers and all who contributed in so many ways to the services and kept us save. T H A N K Y O U!
Bet David Management Committee
Thank you
- A heart-felt thank you to Theresa Sobel and Pat van Flymen for the beautiful new Ark curtains and decorative coverings for the pulpits.
- To Gail Saul for the beautiful candle sticks donated to the shul.
- To Jodi & Mike Jankelowitz for the palm fronds (schach) for our sukkah.
- To Ashley Sweke for sponsoring the Shabbat chocolates this week in honour of her late mother, Betty Ann Weitzmann.
- To Len & Lali Gerber for sponsoring the l’chaim this Friday night in honour of National Down Syndrome Day for their nephew, Loukie.
- To Jody Farber & Tom Jackson for sponsoring the brocha on Shabbat morning in honour of their little girl’s naming.
- To Roy Licht for the recent yahrzeit donation in memory of Hilda Licht.
- To John Brittan for the recent yahrzeit donation in memory of Sam Brittan.
Mazal Tov
Mitzvah Students performing a dance To Jody Farber & Tom Jackson on the birth of their first child, a daughter, who will be named in shul this Shabbat.
- To Gabriel Kaslassy & Juan-Mari O’Neill on the birth of son, brother to Xander, Ethan and Ruben.
- To Lesley & Martin Rosenberg on the birth of a grandson, born to parents Adrian & Nikki Rosenberg.
- To all the Mitzvah School students and teachers on a wonderful prizegiving last weekend. BeHatzlacha to the students as they sit their final Matric exams in the upcoming weeks.
- To new members of Bet David: Marlene Nelson and Audrey Weiner.
Another Thank you
A special Thank you to all who were involved in supporting and making the internship of Student Rabbi Max Feldhake so special and meaningful: Bet David and Beit Emanuel for covering the costs of his flight and other expenses, Chayim and Rabbi Schell for hosting him, Eric Milner, Bianca Shakinovsky, Giddy Lief, Steven and Monica Solomon for the Dinner invitations, Wilfred Lautenberg, James Lomberg, Adriaan Louw , and Giddy Lief for being such wonderful tour guides, to our four Gauteng congregations for offering him the opportunity to lead services, our two rabbis who guided him, and to all our members who supported him and made him so welcomed. (Pictured: Lola & Len Gronemann, Rabbi Schell, Reeva Forman and Max Feldhake)
“We have observed the High Holy Days in our beautiful new Sanctuary.
I would like to thank all those who helped to make them meaningful.
The team who led us in inspirational prayers: our Rabbi, student Rabbi Max, the wonderful choir, the Gabbaim and congregants: your readings and songs guided us on our way to achieving the purpose of these days.
The team behind the team: the Shamassim Roger Scheuble, Rudi Buirski, Len Gerber, Brett Steingo, Eric Milner, Gerald Sobel and Mike Eliason. The doctors, nurses and paramedics Jared Lipsitz, Monika Stransky, Maddie Hicklin, Chayim Schell, Ian Hacker, Bev Bancroft and Dyllan Wills. On emergency standby Mike Eliason, Rudi Buirski, Roger Scheuble and Jack Bancroft. Our security team led by Gerald Sobel who spent the majority of his time outside ensuring our safety.
You are the volunteers who enabled the services to proceed smoothly.
My thanks to you all. May you have a healthy, happy and blessed year.“
Steven Solomon
Vice-Chairman of the Management Committee