Community News
Kehillah “Christmas Party” Appeal
Every year our Kehillah hosts an end of year party for 300 children from the Leamogetswe Feeding scheme in Alex.
The children are given a fun party with food and drinks as well as party packs with soap, toothpaste, facecloths and other items to take home.
Any donations towards these packs and food for this party, will be greatly appreciated. Please use Sisterhood’s account (details below) or cash via the office.
Bet David Sisterhood
Nedbank Sandton Acc no: 1970 476 214 IBT no: 197005.
Ref: Xmas Party Donation/name
Thank you
- To Netzer for running the Kabbalat Shabbat service and Brett Steingo & David Woolf for leading the Shacharit and Torah service this week.
- To Lauren Kupritz for the donation of platters and vases for the Kehillah kitchen.
- To Bet David sponsoring the Pizza’s on Friday night.
Pictured: The last two Bnei Mitzvot we’ve had at Bet David.