Community News


Beginning with the second night of Pesach we count the Omer until we arrive in our calendar at Shavuot. To help you with the counting, we have prepared a leaflet for you with a calendar, the blessings and the numbers (download your list here: COUNTING THE OMER 2018, and available in the Shul). Traditionally the Omer is counted in the evening, after sunset.

Yom Ha Shoah—12 April @ 12:00 WPC

The Jewish community comes together to remember the victims of the Shoah at Westpark Cemetery this year on 12 April at 12:00. The theme is for this year: “75 Years on, we remember the uprising of the Warsaw Ghetto.” The  programme includes Debbie Joffe singing solo, recitation of poems and a Keynote address by Survivor Irene Klass. Please make an effort to join us for this important day of remembrance.


Zara Abramsohn’s Bat Mitzvah project

There is a collection box in the shul gallery for depositing any items for the Highveld Horse Care.  There are also key rings for sale at R50 each, from the shul office, in aid of Highveld Horse Care.  Please help Zara support this worthy charity. Monetary donations will also be appreciated, via the office.

Mazal Tov

  • To Evan Bancroft who graduated from Wits University with a BSC degree in Maths and Computing.
  • To Tarren Debbie Beyleveld who graduated from Wits University with a B.Mus honours degree
  • To Clare and Greg Meyerowitz and to Dale and Wilna Joss for their recent weddings.
  • To our winners of the Shul Opening Raffle. Thank you to all who participated.





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