Community News
The 46th Annual General Meeting of Bet David and the 44th AGM of Bet David Kehillah will take place at Bet David on Wednesday 25 April 2018 at 18:00. We look forward to seeing you at the AGM and welcome your support.

At moments of transition, whether celebrating or when we are in need of support, the value of community cannot be overstated.
A congregational community accords the sacred privilege of participation in one another’s lives. At Bet David, we have understood this for more than 45 years. We welcome new lives through birth. We celebrate marriage. We confront illness and loss. We do these things together, and knowing that we are not alone imbues our experiences with meaning.
Brit Milah/Brit Bat
You will have a baby? Mazal Tov!
Welcoming a new member of the family is a profound experience. Bet
David would be honoured to welcome your child into our family, the
Congregation’s family, and the family that is the Jewish faith. Tradition calls for us to circumcise our sons on the eighth day of life in a ritual called brit milah, the covenant of circumcision. During this ceremony, boys also take on their Hebrew names. This ritual can take place either in your
home, in the practise of the Mohel, or in the Shul.
Girls are welcomed, and given their Hebrew names in a ceremony called brit bat, the covenant of the girl. This ritual can take place either in your home or during one of Bet David’s services.
Rabbi Schell is readily available to meet with you before or after your child is born in order to discuss the details of the appropriate ritual, which will welcome your child, honour your family and link us all in the chain of Jewish tradition. He’d also be glad to help you to choose a Hebrew name!
Please contact Glynnis to set up an appointment: 011-783-7117