Community News


Dear Congregants,

The 45th Annual General Meeting of Bet David and the 43rd AGM of Bet David Kehillah will take place at Bet David on Wednesday 29 March 2017 at 18h30. This is an important event in the annual Bet David programme and an opportunity for our congregation to get feedback on the past year’s activities of Bet David and its affiliate organisations as well as to discuss the future. An update on the Bet David Campus development will be provided as well as details of other planned activities. Official notices, the agenda and a summary of the audited figures for Bet David will be sent to the email addresses on record.

Please get involved in this exciting period of Bet David’s development. We invite you to stand for elections for the next Management Committee and Kehillah committee.

Nomination forms can be sent to you by email on request. Nominations to stand for the Management Committee should be submitted at least 7 days in advance of the meeting. We look forward to seeing you at the AGM and welcome your support.

Desmond Sweke, Chairman

Bat Mitzvah Project Presentation by Samara Churba-Doyle

My name is Samara Ciara and I invite you to my Bat mitzvah project. It will take place at 5pm on Friday 3rd March, before Shul service. I am passionate about Human Rights and especially the Right to Education.

I will present my research on the wonderful Mitzvah School, please come and share with me! There will be finger food after service. Samara

Hebrew Ulpan Conversion Course

Weekly Hebrew classes on Mondays at 18.30 at Bet David for beginners and advanced students. Interested? Please call the office for details.

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