Community Updates
50 / 50 Club
Please join now for 2018: Kehillah’s 50/50 CLUB – Don’t miss out! For only R180 per year you can help raise money in a fun way. The more pe-ople who participate….. the larger the monthly prize.
The 50/50 Club is a draw in which half of the money raised goes to Bet David community projects and the other half is paid out to the members as cash prizes. There is a draw every month.
Please transfer the starting money of R180,- to BET DAVID SISTER-HOOD, NEDBANK SANDTON, BRANCH CODE: 197005 ACC. NO: 1970476214 – please put as reference: 50/50 Surname. After your transfer, please email your details to Glynnis, including your name, address, email-address and telephone number. We wish you good luck!
Thank you
- To Alon & Monika Stransky and Glynnis Kanar for sponsoring the l’chaim on Friday to celebrate Caitlin Stransky’s matric results and the birthdays of Doron and TJ in the choir
- To Barry and Val Sinclair for sponsoring the brocha on Saturday morning in honour of Val’s birthday on 26 December.
- Ron Klipin for the yahrzeit donation in memory of Jeannie Klipin.
- Kehillah 50/50 Club 2018: To Cynthia Rosen, Martin Rosen, Gail Scheuble, Roger Scheuble, Lali Gerber, Len Gerber, Myrna Margo, Rabbi Schell, Chayim Schell, Marilyn Trujillo & family and Glynnis Kanar for their subscriptions to the 50/50 Club. All further support is valued! Please find 50/50 forms in the shul and with Ad Kan.
Mazal Tov
To all learners, matriculants and tertiary students on their successful results. We wish you all the best in your new year of study.
To Caitlin Stransky on achieving 4 IEC distinctions in Geography, History, English and Life Orientation. Caitlin will be studying BA Law at Wits.
To Joshua Bancroft on achieving a Bachelor pass with distinctions in IT, Geography and Life Orientation.
Congratulations to the Mitzvah School Students
Great results for the Mitzvah School class of 2017; 97% pass rate .. 80% bachelors, 20% diplomas .. all qualified to go on to tertiary education. National Average 29% bachelors, 30% diplomas.
2017 in detail: 24 Bachelor; 6 Diploma; 1 Fail; 11 distinctions: 5 LO,
3 Eng, 1 Maths, 1 Geog, 1 Sepedi.