Congratulary messages and addresses


Thank you to Rabbi Hillel Avidan, Rabbi Emeritus of Bet David, for leading the service; Stephen Margo for photographs; Bet David Kehillah for delicious catering for the event assisted by Melissa – The Tea Garden, and to all who participated and attended this special occasion. Mazal Tov to Rabbi Schell and Rabbi Margolis.

Congratulary messages and addresses

Rabbi Robert A Jacobs—A massive number of fine photographs from last Sunday’s celebration at Bet David reached me Sunday and Monday, showing the genuine joy of congregation and community. I wish all – Congregation, Rabbi Adrian M Schell and Rabbi Julia Margolis, a long and successful ‘marriage’ as they move together from strength to strength.

Charisse Zeifert (SAJBD)—It gives me pleasure, on behalf of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies, to congratulate Rabbi Julia Margolis and Rabbi Adrian Schell on their induction today as Progressive rabbis.  Maintaining Jewish continuity requires strong leadership and education.  Without recognised, capable leaders, a community is unable to function, and without education, its members quickly drift away.  Being Jewish in today’s world can be challenging.  It falls to the Rabbis to provide our children with Jewish education, to teach them about Judaism, Zionism and what Jewishness is all about.  It is only through education that we can instil in our community an enthusiasm and pride in our heritage.  I met you both on Friday, and I have no doubt that you will embrace the challenges and tasks that come your way.  You have a love for Judaism and bring with you a wealth of international experience, enthusiasm, youth and passion.  I noticed one other aspect that you both have in common, and that is a German association.  This is not surprising, as the roots of the Reform movement can be traced back to the German philosopher, Moses Mendelssohn.   One of the things he said was that the Power of Religion is Love and Beneficence.    It is in this proud and intellectual tradition that you will and inspire your organisation, ignite passion and instil pride in being Jewish. The SAJBD welcomes you as future leaders within our community, and wish you all success.  We look forward to working with you in the years to come.

Herbert Beck, Minister, Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

Liebe (Dear) Rabbi Margolis, lieber Rabbi Schell, I wanted to thank you and the Bet David Management Committee also on behalf of my wife Ulrike and Hubert Jaeger for the privilege to join your congregation and your families at the occasion of your induction yesterday.  It was such a joyous event and we all got the impression that something very good is starting in Morningside! We are humbled and moved by the fact that two Rabbis who have been educated at the Abraham-Geiger-Kolleg in Potsdam are now living and working as scholars and pastors in South Africa.