Netzer is a not-for-profit Progressive Zionist Youth Movement that started in South Africa in 1977 (it was then known as Maginim).
Netzer is part of an international youth movement, Netzer Olami, based in Jerusalem. Our parent bodies include the South African Union for Progressive Judaism (SAUPJ), the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) and Netzer Olami.

Our main centres are in Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg and Pretoria, but we also have other participants from around the country.
We are active participants in the Jewish community, running regular meetings and regional events. Our events expose channichim to a range of relevant issues including Judaism, Zionism, social awareness and action, and social skills on an informal educational level.
Netzer members actively participate in our progressive synagogues during Shabbat and the chaggim (festivals) by running services and organising fun, educational programmes for the whole family.
At all our events, we create an atmosphere based on values of respect, equality, tolerance and acceptance.
Netzer facilitates the training of future leaders, with the aim to develop people with a vision to constructively contribute to society. Leadership and informal education seminars are run throughout the year, particularly for Grades 10 to 12, with a national seminar during the winter holiday.
The culmination of our annual activities is realised on our national summer machaneh (camp) where madrichim and channichim learn about being informed Jewish South Africans. Summer machaneh is the time of the year where Netzer South Africa creates the progressive leaders of tomorrow.
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