Rabbinical Student for the High Holy Days @ Bet David
Max Feldhake, a rabbinical student from the Abraham Geiger College will join us for the High Holy Day season this year.
Hailing originally from Phoenix Arizona, Max Feldhake is a rabbinical student in his fourth year at the Abraham Geiger Kolleg in Potsdam, Germany. He grew up in Phoenix and is a member of the Reform congregation, Temple Chai. He attended Arizona State University and graduated in 2012 with a BA in German language and a BA in Political Science. Max began learning German already in High School at the age of 14 and seemingly always had an interest both for Germany but also for German-Jewish history, culture and religious tradition. In 2012 he moved to Germany, initially working as an Au-Pair with a family (now a quasi-adopted family) in Dresden, where he is also an official community member.
He moved to Germany already with the intent of studying at the Abraham Geiger Kolleg. His studies there commenced in 2013. He has had internships in various Jewish communities around Germany and Europe including; Berlin, Vienna, Bielefeld and Braunschweig. He has also had an internship with the hospital chaplaincy of the Jewish Hospital in Berlin and an internship with the military chaplaincy of the German army. Max is engaged as a student representative for the students of Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam. He is also a board member for the Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation. He has been teaching German to refugees in Potsdam since February 2017. Max is deeply interested in preserving and reinvigorating the German-Jewish heritage and is particularly fascinated with the history of the Jews of the German Democratic Republic. He is beginning his year in Jerusalem in September 2017 and is looking forward to a productive and engaging year.