Report from the SAUPJ Chair
The SAUPJ was formed in 1951 to look after the interests of Progressive Jews in South Africa. This includes liaising with the Chevra Kadisha regarding burials, co-operating with the work of the SAJBD and working with the Zionist Fed who, among other things, assist our youth movement, Netzer, financially.
This month I, together with others from Bet David and Beit Emanuel, attended the SAJBD Gauteng Biennial Conference. The evening’s programme was excellent and included “175 years of Judaism in South Africa in 175 seconds”; an outstanding talk by the chief Rabbi of the UK – Rabbi Mirvis, who was raised in South Africa, and an overview of what has happened in the Gauteng Jewish world in the last 2 years. The culmination and highlight of the evening was the presentation of the inaugural Bertie Lubner award to our very own Reeva Forman in recognition of all that she does to support and uplift the community. Kol Hakavod Reeva!
Following my election onto the SAJBD I attended my first meeting as a full Board member (as opposed to a guest). Once again security was a topic under discussion – we need to please all be vigilant and if in doubt contact the CSO [see CSO Security tip in this Ad Kan on page 4].
The Gauteng region of the SAUPJ has elected a new chair and we welcome Sandra Beswick to this position.
I also participated in a teleconference to discuss the WUPJ Connections 2017 conference in Jerusalem in 2017 – start saving now for what is going to be a wonderful experience. The SAUPJ will be able to assist with funding – let’s get a great group together. Monica Solomon