Rosh Chodesh Elul and Shabbat Re’eh @ Bet David

“Bev and family, thank you so much for sharing this remarkable time in your Dad’s life. For me it was so moving, emotional and inspiring. What occurred was and is significant, terrible but ultimately uplifting. Their are some truly beautiful human beings in this world. The effects of what happened at the Chateau are deeply felt by your family and also by all who are made aware of it. Once again thank you.“
Clive Hall‘s comment in Facebook on our event last Saturday night.


Dear Congregants and Friends,

We invite you to join us for our festive Shabbat services this Friday at 18h00 and Saturday morning at 09h30.

 Friday, 30 August
* Kids‘ and Teens‘ Club (18h00)
* Kabbalat Shabbat Service (18h00)
*August Birthday Blessings
* Netzer Movie Night (19h30)

Saturday, 31 August
* Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh morning service (09h30)
The service includes the Aufruf of Ryan Kotzen and Reevka (Rikki) Maman.
* Kids‘ Club (09h30)
* Bracha, kindly sponsored by Ryan Kotzen and Rikki Maman in honour of their upcoming marriage on Thursday (11h30)
* Shabbat Talk (12h00)
Shabbat Shalom and Rosh Chodesh Elul Tov

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