Shabbat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim @ Bet David
Join us for our BeYachad service
this Friday, 20 April @ 18.00, followed by a light (pizza) supper, sponsored by Ron & Michelle Klipin in honour of Semen (Simon) Dimant and the late Ruth Wallach.
Music, prayer, and stories! Starting with candle lighting, our Family Shabbat brings families with young children and our congregation together.
On Saturday (21 April) Cheder class meets at 08:30, and our Breakfast Study group comes together at 8:45. Please join us also for our Shacharit service at 10:00. The service is followed by a Brocha to celebrate Alexia Smedmor’s 10th birthday and bid farewell to Carolina & Samara Churba-Doyle.
We will celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut
together with our sister congregation Beit Emanuel (38 Oxford Road, Parktown) this Saturday, 21 April at 18h00. The evening’s celebrations will include music, Israeli & Communal Folk Dancing and of course traditional Israeli food. Jody and Kathryn have planned a fascinating programme for children. Tickets are R70.00 per person – this includes food and soft drinks (under 3’s free). To book call Sandy in the office at 011 646 6170.
Shabbat Shalom!