Shabbat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim @ Bet David
Join us for a meaningful Shabbat this weekend. On Friday we will celebrate Erev Shabbat at 18.00. Kendyll will run the Kids’ Club activities the same time. Saturday morning we meet for our Torah study breakfast at 8.45, followed by our regular service at 10.00. Cheder class is at 8:30, followed by a youth service at 10.00.
Bet Menorah will be celebrating Lag B’Omer on Saturday 18 May at 18:00.Please either let the office or Giddy (0824430898) know if you are able to attend by Monday, 8th May.
Beit Emanuel will also be hosting a communal Lag B’Omer bonfire and Havdallah service on Saturday 13 May from 18:00. There will be toasted marshmallows as well as loads of fun and songs around the fire.