Shabbat B’midbar and Shavuot @ Bet David
Thursday 02 June – 18.00 – Shavuot and Pentecost in the Jewish and Christian tradition.
Together with Rev. Michael Diezun from the Midrand Lutheran at Bet David.
Friday 03 June – 18.00 Kabbalat Shabbat Service includes the blessing and induction of the incoming Management Committee of Bet David and Bet David Kehillah; L’chaim follows in the foyer sponsored by Desmond and Ashley Sweke
Saturday 04 June – 08.30 Cheder; 08.45 Torah Breakfast with Rabbi Schell; 10.00 Shabbat Morning Service and Parallel Yoga-Shabbat Service, followed by a brachah sponsored by Barry and Val Sinclair in honour of their 64th wedding anniversary. 10.00 Children’s Service and Activities (Youth Centre/Rondavel)
This Saturday, 04 June, we continue with our Yoga-Shabbat-Service parallel to our regular Shabbat morning service at 10.00. Join Rabbi Margolis and Karen Turis for this special service. Please wear warm clothes and bring a yoga-mattress or blanket with you.
AdKan 03-04 June 2016 Bamidbar
Saturday 11 June
– 18.00 Festival Evening Service followed by our cheesecake contest
– 19.15 Tikkun Leil Shavuot – 1st session led by Madeleine Hicklin
– 20.00 Break with Soup and more
– 20.15 2nd session led by Rabbi Margolis and Rabbi Schell (End 21.00)
Children’s and Youth Activities (Youth Centre):
– 18.00 Youth service with Kendyll, followed by our Cheesecake competition
– 19.15 Movie Night (please bring your sleeping bag and wear warm clothes)
Sunday 12 June
– 9.30 (!) – Festival Morning Service at Beit Emanuel, 38 Oxford Rd., Parktown
Bet David’s traditional Cheesecake Contest takes place this year on Erev Shavuot (Saturday night, 11 June). Bake your favourite recipe! All entries welcome. Register at the Bet David Office by 09 June. Prize-winning recipes will be published in future weeks. Submissions are expected to include the recipe used. Sponsors also welcome. Return entry below to or place in ‘Correspondence Box’ in the foyer.
Shavuoth Cheese Cake Competition Entry – Saturday 11 June, following 18.00 services.
Baker(s) Name_________________________________________________________________________
Type of Cheese Cake: ____________________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________________E-mail _______________________________________________