Shabbat Bo at Bet David
Please join us this weekend for services and the beginning of this year’s cheder class
Friday 15 January – 18.00 Kabbalat Shabbat Service followed by CCC congregational supper
18.00 Child-care in the Youth Centre.
Saturday 16 January – 08.30-10.00 Cheder (Religion School) Registration and first class;
10.00 Shabbat Morning Service, followed by a b’rachah (sponsor welcome) [Rabbi Schell at Temple Israel];
17.30 Havdallah service and Religion School Prize-Giving for 2015 followed by a Parents’ Meeting
It is with great sadness that we wish to inform you of the passing of our member, Chris Sherlock, husband of Lynn, and father of Danielle and brother of Rob Sherlock. The funeral service will take place on Sunday 17 January at 09.45 at West Park Jewish Cemetery. Prayers will be held the same day at 18.30 and Monday 18 January at 18.30 at 93 Odell Road, Sunningdale. May his wonderful soul find peace under the wings of the Eternal, and may his memory be for a blessing.
Thursday 21 January – 18.00-19.30 “The Prayers of our Siddur”– class with Rabbi Schell
Cheder opens for Registration and Classes on Saturday 16 January 2016 – 08.30; on the same day we will celebrate Havdalah together at 17.30 and the Prize-Giving for 2015 followed by a Parents’ Meeting. Please note that we have changed the hours of the Cheder: Classes will be every Saturday morning at 8.30 – 9.45, followed by a service (main or youth) from 10.00-11.00 and Jewish Studies from 11.00-12.00.
Yoga Service
On Saturday, 30 October, we continue with our new Yoga-Shabbat-Service parallel to our regular Shabbat morning service at 10.00. Join Rabbi Margolis and Kundalini Yoga instructor, Karen Turis, and Yoga instructor, Jessica Plit for this special service. Please bring a sun lotion and a yoga-mattress or blanket with you.
Shabbat Shalom