Shabbat Chanukah at Bet David
Please join us for a weekend of learning and celebrating.
Tonight, starting at 18.00 – 19.30 we meet for our weekly “Prayers of our Siddur” shiur with Rabbi Schell.
Celebrate Chanukah with us tomorrow, Friday 11 December, 18.00 Kabbalat Shabbat Service including Chanukah candle lighting and pre-wedding blessings for Alison Louw and Kevin Smith followed by a light supper, including sufganiyot (doughnuts), latkes (potato pancakes) and more. Bring your own Chanukiah to the service and 7 candles to join in lighting the Chanukah lights. Shabbat chocolates sponsored by Alberto Glover for his December birthday. Home-made doughnuts donated by Monica Solomon. (18.00 Child-care (Youth Centre))
Saturday 12 December – Shabbat Chanukah and Rosh Chodesh Tevet.
08.45 Torah Study & Breakfast with Rabbi Schell;
10.00 Shabbat Morning Service, including the rare Torah reading from three Torah scrolls.
10.30-11.30 Children’s Service (Youth Centre)
The last candle for Chanukah is lit on Sunday night, the 13th December.
On 15 January we will be having a CCC Supper – Cannelloni, Cider (and Chardonnay) and Cheese Cake in the Rondavel after the Kabbalat Shabbat Service. Please RSVP to Monica on BY WEDNESDAY 13 JANUARY for catering purposes. There will be no charge for this thanks to the generous sponsorship from Rabbi Adrian and Dr Chayim Schell.
More about our upcoming events and our full schedule for December and January can be found in our newsletter: AdKan 12 December 2015 Miketz 5776
Shabbat Shalom and Chanukah Sameach