Shabbat Chayei Sarah @ Bet David
This Shabbat marks a milestone in the lives of some very special members of our congregation. Our Beit Din has official welcomed 6 members of our ITJ class into the covenant and we celebrate this moment with a special blessing this Shabbat morning. It is also the Prize-giving for our Cheder students, marking the achievements of our learners.
Please join us for this special celebrations.
Friday 25 November –
18.00 Kabbalat Shabbat service; November birthday blessings (chocolate sponsor welcome)
18.00 Kids’ Club with Kendyll
Saturday 26 November –
08.30 Cheder;
08.45 Torah Breakfast;
10.00 Shabbat Morning Service – includes Cheder Prize-giving and welcoming of our New Jews by Choice. Service followed by a b’rachah sponsored by the Cheder parents and New Jews by Choice;
10.00 Youth service and activities with Kendyll;
12.45 Post service shiur with Brett Steingo
Sunday 27 November –
09.00- 13.00 Food collection for feeding schemes. Please contact Lesley Rosenberg 0832366823 if you can help for an hour or more;
Mitzvah Day – 12.00-14.00 at Ernest Ullmann Park
Shabbat Shalom