Shabbat Chazon at Bet David
Please join us this weekend for the following services and activities:
Friday 24 July – 18.00 Kabbalat Shabbat Service; Shabbat Chocolates sponsored by Marcelle and Raymond Meisel in honour of the birth of their granddaughter;
18.00 Child-care in the Youth Centre;
Saturday 25 July – 08.30 Religion School resumes;
10.00 Shabbat Morning Service includes the Bat Mitzvah of Gabrielle Smith. Service is followed by a b’racha in Gabrielle’s honour, sponsored by her parents Steve and Andie Smith and Gregory, Ruth and Janis Jordan;
10.30-11.30 Children’s Service (Youth Centre)
Monthly Feeding Schemes Food Collection –
Sunday 26 July – 09.00 to 13.00 at Pick ‘n Pay South Rd, Morningside and Hyde Park branches. Contact Lesley Rosenberg 0832366823 if you can help for one hour or more.
Tisha b’Av, regarded as the saddest day in the Jewish calendar is marking several tragedies in our history. On that day our thoughts are with those whose graves are unmarked and those whose names are long forgotten. Because of Shabbat, the fast starts this year in the evening of 25 July, and ends on Sunday 26 July after sundown. It is a tradition to read Eicha, the book of lamentation on Tisha b’Av. There will be a service of mourning followed by a study session with Rabbi Shaked at Beit Emanuel on 25 July at 18.00.