Shabbat Ekev at Bet David
Friday 07 August – 18.00 Kabbalat Shabbat Service; Shabbat chocolates sponsored by Angela Eloff in honour of Troy’s 12th birthday on 06 August; Service is followed by the Congregational TTT supper in the Rondavel; 18.00 Child-care in the Youth Centre
Saturday 08 August – No Religion School (School long week-end); 08.45 Breakfast Shiur (Rondavel); 10.00 Shabbat Morning Service followed by a b’rachah sponsored by Jo and Michael Norris in honour of Michael and Daniel’s birthdays on 05 August 10.30-11.30 Children’s Service (Youth Centre)
TTT Congregational Supper: Join the Bet David Community for a TTT (Tarts, savoury with salad, Toots and Tiramisu) supper this Friday 07 August in the Rondavel, following the Shabbat Service, sponsored by Arnold and Juanita Levin. All are welcome to attend. RSVP to Monica Solomon before 05 August for catering purposes.
Breakfast Shiur with Rabbi Schell: Our learning journey on Saturday mornings continues this Shabbat, on 08 August at 08.45. Coffee/tea and a light breakfast served. This study session is open for all, no background knowledge is required, and questions are very welcome.