Shabbat HaChodesh @ Bet David

Dear Congregants,

 In response to the growing number of Covid 19 positive cases in South Africa, the guidelines published by the government, and in the interest of staff members who use public transport, it has been decided to close the synagogue office immediately and reopen on Wednesday, 25 March 2020. There will be also no regular Shabbat services this Friday and Saturday in Shul.

 However, we will run services and study sessions online, using tools the internet affords us to remain connected to you. You will find all links and additional sources below and regularly updated on our website

This Friday, Ian Mann, Janis Jordan and our Choir will stream a service from the Synagogue via YouTube. We will start the service at 18h00 as usual. There will be the customary singing to lift spirits and moods. We will pray together and Ian will share inspirational insights. If you have your own siddur, it will aid your personal experience, but it is not essential. Find a quiet spot where you, partners and family members can sit together. Sing with joy, no one minds if you are out of tune! It is your home. Prepare yourself for Shabbat in some way.

To watch the service on Friday (18h00), please click here:

Saturday morning, Rabbi Schell invites you to his library from where he will stream a Shabbat morning meditation and service via YouTube (09h30):

Sunday afternoon (15h00), we invite you to join us for a virtual High Tea on Zoom. Make yourself a nice cup of tea, a sandwich and join us for an informal chat. Details of how to use Zoom are on the last page and on our website:

Shabbat Shalom to all of you from all of us at Bet David

PS: To learn more about the online services we have created for you and how you can use them, please visit our website:

Shabbat Shalom


Shabbat HaChodesh

Thursday 19 March
ITJ via Zoom (18:30)

Friday 20 March
* Kabbalat Shabbat Service only via YouTube stream (18h00)

Saturday 21 March
* Shabbat meditiation only via YouTube stream (09h30)

Torah Reading
Shabbat HaChodesh—Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei (21.3.2020)
Exodus 35:1 – 40:38, Exodus 12:1-20(HaChodesh)
Haftarah:  Ezekiel 45:16-25

Sunday 22 March
* Virtual Sunday Afternoon High Tea (15h00)
Join URL:

A short word about Pesach.
For the moment we have put the Pesach Seder on hold,  but we are  looking at options to create meaningful ways for you to celebrate Pesach with us.  We plan to create an online opportunity for you to join a Seder. As soon as we have the details, we will send out an update to all of you.

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