Shabbat HaChodesh – Tazria @ Bet David

Please join us this weekend and the coming week for some exciting services and activities:

Thursday 07 April – 18.00 -19.30Rabbi, What is kosher and what is the progressive understanding of Kashrut?” ”– Shiur with Rabbi Schell (Foyer)

Friday 08 April – 18.00 Kabbalat Shabbat Service including the naming ceremony for Ronen and Angie Bar’s son;  L’Chaim in the foyer and Shabbat chocolates sponsored by them in honour of their simcha; 18.00 Bet David Kids’ Club – Youth Activities with Kendyll (Youth Centre).

Saturday 09 April – 08.30 Religion School (Term 2 starts); 08.45 Torah Breakfast with Rabbi Schell; 10.00 Shabbat Morning Service followed by a b’rachah sponsored by Barry and Val Sinclair; 10.00 Parallel Yoga-Shabbat Service with Karen Turis and Rabbi Margolis; 10.00 Children’s Service and Activities with Kendyll (Youth Centre/Garden);

SupermanYoga Service: This Saturday, 09 April, we continue with our Yoga-Shabbat-Service parallel to our regular Shabbat morning service at 10.00. As part of our monthly Yoga service this week we have asked Greg Margolis to come and give us a talk (as part of the Yoga session). This on the four main branches of Yoga. Join Rabbi Margolis and Kundalini Yoga instructor, Karen Turis for this special service in the Bet David Garden weather permitting (or in the Middleton Hall if it rains).  Please bring sun lotion and a yoga-mattress or blanket with you.

This coming Monday night Arlene Sher from the Holocaust Centre will be presenting the workshop entitled ‘Portraits of Moral Choices in the Holocaust’. This workshop is for ITJ students; however should there be any congregants who would like to attend please contact Rabbi Margolis in advance to arrange it

Wednesday 13 April – 10.00 Bet David Kehillah monthly committee meeting

More information about the above and other activities can be found in our weekly Newsletter: AdKan 08-09 April 2016 HaChodesh-Tazria 5776

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