Shabbat Ki Tavo @ Bet David

Mazal Tov to Tom Greeff, Ella Dessington and Chinumezi Mokone who were admitted to the Jewish Covenant as Jews by Choice last Shabbat


Dear Congregants and Friends,

 We invite you to join us for our festive
Shabbat services this Friday at 18h00
and Saturday morning at 09h30.

 Friday, 20 September
* Kids‘ and Teens‘ Club (18h00)
* Kabbalat Shabbat Service (18h00)
Service includes the naming of Baby Sevitz
* ITJ dinner (19h30)

Saturday, 21 September
* Shabbat morning service (09h30)
Service includes the welcoming of a new Jew by Choice
* Kids‘ Club (09h30)
* Bracha sponsored by Jessica Trollip and Dan Fuchs (11h30)
* Shabbat Talk “Yoga & Judaism“ with Carine Delhaye (12h00)

Shabbat Shalom

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