Shabbat Ki Teitzei @ Bet David

This Shabbat at Bet David

Join us this week for our Kabbalat Shabbat service on Friday 24 August at 18.00, followed by a L‘chaim

And on Saturday 25 August, our Shacharit services begin at 10:00, followed by a Brocha. Sponsorship towards the brocha is always appreciated. Please note that there is no Breakfast Study this Shabbat.

Friday and Saturday children‘s activities will take place alongside the services.

Rosh HaShanah Dinner

Following on from our initiative last year to make sure that all Jewish people are able to celebrate the High Holy Days in the company of their fellow Jews, we will be holding a dinner at the shul on first night Rosh Hashanah. The cost is R 250 per person (half for children under the age of 12) and places are limited to fifty. Please use the Invitation Rosh HaShanah Dinner 2018 or contact Glynnis at the office to arrange your booking. 

Shabbat Shalom

Again, a hearty mazal tov to Dylan Wills, Jessica Lange, Kani Thobakgale, Kym Evans, Lauren Hillidge, Pat Farrell and Sharon Ellwood for being accepted into the covenant.
A collection of photos from the welcoming service can be found on our Facebook group for Bet David members:


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