Shabbat Lech Lecha @ Bet David
Please join us this Shabbat for the following services and activities:
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Cheder (17:00)
ITJ Hebrew and Class (18:30)
Friday, 19 October 2018
Kabbalat Shabbat Service (18:00) followed by a L‘chaim in the gallery.
Zhank you to Jules and Tersia Keet for sponsoring this week‘s L‘chaim in honour of Jules‘ 80th Birthday and in memory of Jules‘ and Tersia‘s mothers.
Saturday, 20 October 2018
Breakfast Study (8:45)
Shacharit Service (10:00) followed by a Brocha.
Thank you to Matthew Foster for sponsoring the Brocha on Saturday on the occasion of his recent birthday.
Kids‘ Club
Friday @ 18:00
Kani and Thandi will lead one of their legendary youth services.
Saturday @ 10:00
This Saturday, Thandi and Kani have prepared super fun activities for you.
Shabbat Shalom