Shabbat Nasso and Shavuot at Bet David

Please join us for a special weekend of celebration and learning at Bet David.

On Friday evening, we will welcome Shabbat together with our joyful Kabbalat Shabbat service  at 18h00.

For Saturday morning we offer you two kinds of services to join. Either the regular Shacharit service in the Shul with Rabbi Schell from 9h30 to 11h30, or the alternative Yoga service with Yoga instructor Carine Delhaye from 10h30 to 12h00.

Don’t miss the Shabbat Talk this Saturday morning, 8 June at 12h00, with Liat Amar Aran from the Jewish Agency about a Muslim, Chasidic Jew and Lesbian Woman living together in Israel.

Shavuot begins this year on Saturday evening with a short service at 18h00, followed by  a night of learning with four interesting sessions (light warm supper will be provided):

Janis Jordan will lead a discussion on ethics and law; Rabbi Schell invites you to join him on a search for God; and Brett Steingo asks us to look behind the words of the first of the ten commandments.

The fourth session of the evening is an open discussion, asking us whether we are ready yet, to talk about race. This discussion is part of our annual programme to mark the 25th anniversary of South Africa’s first democratic election. Those who would like to join the discussion are invited to read the following blog, as a starting point for the discussion:

On Sunday morning, 9 June at 9h30, we will have a festive Shavuot morning service and the double adult B’nei mitzvah of Tessa Saks and Joanne Matisonn. The service will be followed by our cheesecake competition and a brocha. There is still time to enter your cheesecake, with lovely prizes to be won.

Our Teens’ Club and Netzer have organised a movie night and sleepover for all teenagers (9+). Bring a sleeping bag and come in a good mood for a crazy fun night from Saturday to Sunday.

We are looking forward to celebrating Shabbat and Shavuot with you.

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