Shabbat Noach @ Bet David
This Friday we welcome Gusti Yehoshua Braverman to our service.
Gusti holds a BA in Social Work and Mass Communication, and an MA in Mass Communication. Gusti served as the director of the Tamar Dance Company from 1990–1992, and as the Associate Director of Israeli Movement for Progressive Judaism from September 1993-July 2010. Gusti represented the Reform Movement at the World Zionist Congress, and was elected to the World Zionist Organization Executive at the 36th World Zionist Congress, as the co-chair of the Department for Zionist Activities in the Diaspora in 2010. She currently serves as the Chairman of the Department for Diasopra Activities. Additionally, she has been a member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency for Israel since 2010, and of the Public Council to Commemorate Theodor Herzl.
Please join us for a talk and Q&A by Gusti Yehoshua Braverman before the Kabbalat Shabbat service in the Gallery of the new Shul at 17.00. Gusti will give the sermon during the service. The service starts at 18.00. The service will be followed by a l’chaim sponsored by Len & Lali Gerber in honour of National Down Syndrome Day for their nephew, Loukie.
On Saturday morning, we celebrate the birth of a new girl. As part of the Shacharit service we will have a Hebrew naming of Jody Farber and Tom Jackson’s daughter (at 10:00 am).
Our calendar for this Shabbat is as follows:
- Friday 20 October:
*Q&A with Gusti Braverman (17:00)
*Kabbalat Shabbat Service followed by a l’chaim (18:00)
*Kids’ Club (18:00) - Saturday 21 October:
*Cheder (8:30)
*Torah Breakfast (8:45)
*Shabbat morning service including the Hebrew naming of Baby Farber-Jackson (10:00)
*Kids’ service and activities (10:00) - Thursday 26 October:
*ITJ Class resumes