Shabbat Parah @ Bet David
Please join us this weekend for our Shabbat services and children’s activities:
Thursday 31 March –
18.00 -19.30 “The Prayers of our Siddur”– shiur with Rabbi Schell (Foyer)
Friday 01 April –
18.00 Kabbalat Shabbat Service includes pre-wedding blessings Janna Feldman and Martyn Balham; Shabbat chocolates sponsored by Giddy Lief in honour of her birthday;
18.00 Bet David Kid’s Club – Youth Activities with Kendyll (Youth Centre).
Saturday 02 April –
No Religion School (Term 2 resumes on 09 April);
08.45 Torah Breakfast with Rabbi Schell;
10.00 Shabbat Morning Service followed by a b’rachah sponsored by Lesley Shipton in honour of her recent birthday;
10.00 Children’s Service and Activities with Kendyll (Youth Centre/Garden)
Join Rabbi Schell for a discussion on “What is kosher and what is the progressive understanding of Kashrut?” on Thursday 7 and 14 April at 18.00. Everyone is welcome to join the discussion.
More about this event and others can be found in our weekly Newsletter: AdKan 01-02 April 2016 Parah-Shemini 5776
Celebrate your Pesach with Bet David.
This year, we will have two Sederim:
The first, the regular Seder, will be on Saturday 23 April at 18.30. Please book as soon as possible to help us with the preparation. Seats are limited – only 50 places available, on a first come first served basis. The second Seder will be a Children’s Chocolate Seder on Sunday 24 April at 15.00. For all children aged 5 and older and their parents. Kendyll has prepared some nice surprises for all participants.
Flyers and booking forms for our Pesach Sederim:
Bet David Pesach Seder Booking Form 2016
Bet David Pesach Childrens Seder Booking Form 2016