Shabbat Project – The progressive way.
This coming week, Thursday to Saturday, 22 – 24 October, the Progressive Congregations in Gauteng are joining the international Shabbat Project by offering different activities that highlight our progressive understanding of Shabbat and Judaism. Attached to the Ad Kan you can find more details about the program in the other congregations.
At Bet David we offer the following activities and invite you to join us and our rabbis:
Friday, 23 October, we start with a “Shabbat and Havdalah Candles workshop” for families (and everyone who like to participate) at 17h00. Please contact the office if you like to join, so that we can prepare enough materials for every participant.
The workshop is followed at 18h00 by our Family Kabbalat Shabbat service and a Pizza Supper.
On Saturday, 24 October, we start with our regular Shabbat morning service at 10h00. At the same time, you can experience a Yoga-Shabbat-Service at Bet David for the first time, under the guidance of Rabbi Margolis and Kundalini Yoga instructor, Karen Turis, and Yoga instructor, Jessica Plit. Please bring a yoga-mattress or blanket with you. Both services will be joined for the Torah service. (flyer attached)
After the service we will have a bracha, sponsors welcome.
For the afternoon we offer the following activities:
Tallit Workshop: Make a tallit from scratch for yourself or a loved one! You can do all of your work during the program, if we need more time, we will set up other meetings to finish our tallitot. First-timers are welcomed. We have people to help you with the colouring and needle work. A workshop for women and men! If you are considering taking this workshop, please contact Glynnis or Sharon at the office – latest Monday 19.10.2015 ( Hand in R150,- for the fabrics (100% cotton shawl) and the tzitzit. If you like to use silk, please get your own shawl (please contact Rabbi Margolis or Rabbi Schell for details. You can use any four corner shawl to make your own tallit. If you like to do so, please bring your shawl to the workshop.
For those who don’t want participate in the workshop we offer for the whole afternoon Shiurim (learning sessions) led by our Rabbis, Janis Jordan and David Woolf.
AdKan 17 October 2015 Noach 5776