Shabbat Shoftim @ Bet David

Please join us this weekend for Shabbat services and the unveiling of Trevor & Mimi Egnal’s Tombstone

Thursday 08 September18.00-19.30 Thursday evening class with Rabbi Schell

Friday 09 September – 18.00 Kabbalat Shabbat; Youth Activities with Kendyll

Saturday 10 September – 08.30 Cheder; 08.45 Torah Breakfast; 10.00 Shabbat Morning Service followed by a b’rachah sponsored by Roland and Tatyana Linde in honour of Roland’s birthday; 10.00 Children’s Service and Activities with Kendyll

The unveiling of Trevor & Mimi’s tombstones will take place this Sunday 11 September at 11am at West Park cemetery. Please join the family for the dedication service followed by a light lunch at the house –  34 The Manor, 27 Centre Road, Morningside. Please let Darryl Egnal know if you’ll be coming to the lunch for catering purposes. Call 079 670 1433 or email:

High Holy Days 5777

HHD-Button-smallAn Admission Ticket are being emailed to members in good standing. Kindly bring your ticket with you to services. You may be asked to show it to security officers at the gate and at the entrance to the Crawford College Campus. Because security is particularly important, please have your ticket ready at the gate. Your friendly co-operation with the people in charge of access control will be appreciated. If you miss your ticket, please contact the office. Please find the service schedule on the last page of this AdKan and information about the venues on our website:

Entry tickets for guests of Bet David members are available from the office for R350 each, while Visitors’ Tickets cost R600 each. Payment arrangements for these tickets can be made with Diane 011 783 7117/8/9 or email

Please donate or lend any extra or unwanted copies of the High Holy Day “Gates of Repentance” prayer book to the office as we have no books in stock. Thank you.




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