Shabbat Toledot @ Bet David
Our BeYachad service this month will be led by Netzer in anticipation of their upcoming summer camp (machaneh) from 12—26 December. Please join our choir, Netzer and the rest of the congregation for a wonderful service filled with music, prayer and fun. The service will be followed by a light pizza supper. We will begin at 6pm.
Jewish Philosophy Shiurim
This Saturday (18 Nov) we will resume our classes on Jewish Philosophy with Brett Steingo. This takes place immediately after the Shabbat morning service. If you would like to be added to the email list please contact the office during the week.
Mitzvah Day
We will meet at the Ohel at 10:00 and head off to clean until 12:00pm. Please bring buckets, cleaning cloths, hats, sunscreen, and water as well as any other cleaning equipment. For any more info, please speak to Roger Scheuble.
Please note that most parts of Jan Smuts Ave. will be closed on this Sunday due to the 947 cycle race, so please ensure you calculate an alternate route to get to WPC. Route information and help is available on
This Sunday 19 November is International Mitzvah Day. The SAUPJ Gauteng committee has organised the project for the day; we will be cleaning up the Wall of Remembrance at West Park Cemetery.