Shabbat Vajikra @ Bet David
This Friday, join us for our inclusive all-generations-inclusive Family Services led by Rabbi Schell, the Cheder students, congregants and all children. The service is not for families only – everyone is welcome to join, and to participate. We will also be welcoming the new ManCom committee during the service and share a blessing with all who celebrated their birthday in March. The service will be followed by a light pizza supper.
On Saturday we have another reason to celebrate. Last week the Beit Din admitted members of our ITJ program into the covenant of the Jewish people. On Saturday they will be called up for their first Aliyah to the Torah in a festive ceremony.
Once again it is time to pay our respects to the children buried at West Park Cemetery by cleaning the area in which they are buried. Please join us for this great mitzvah. We meet at the steps outside the Ohel at 10:00 on 2 April. Bring gloves, hat, gardening equipment (such as a rake, small fork or spade) and water. We hope to see you all there to make a difference.
Friday 31 March: * FAMILY Kabbalat Shabbat Service including welcoming of 2017 ManCom and March birthday blessings (18:00)
Saturday 01 April: * Last Cheder (Term 1) (8:30) *Torah breakfast (8:45) *Shabbat Morning Service (10:00) *Youth Service & Activities (10:00)
Sunday 02 April:
*Cemetery Clean Up Westpark Cemetery (10:00) *Unveiling for the late Jeff Frank—WPC (10:00)