Shabbat Vayeira @ Bet David
Please join us this Shabbat for the BarMitzvah of Brandon (see below) and celebrate with him his achievement. Another proud moment for our congregation.
On Friday evening, the service will be followed by a L’chaim. Thank you to Jules & Tersia Keet for sponsoring the l’chaim in honour of Jules’s recent birthday. Mazal Tov.
Our calendar for this coming week is as follows:
* Friday 3 November:
*Kabbalat Shabbat Service (18:00) & l’chaim
*Kids’ Club (18:00)
* Saturday 4 November:
*Cheder (8:30)
*Torah Breakfast (8:45)
*Shabbat morning service including the Bar Mitzvah of Brandon Chatzkelowitz (10:00)
*Kids’ service and activities (10:00)
* Wednesday 8 November:
*Kehillah meeting (10:00)
About the Bar Mitzvah—Brandon Chatzkelowitz
Hello everyone.
My name is Brandon Chatzkelowitz. I’m 13 years old and I’m from Rustenburg in North-West. I am currently in Grade 7 and attending an Afrikaans school. I am very excited to start high school next year and I plan to do sport like golfing and joining the crossbow club.
My parents are Raymond and Michelle. I have a lot of respect for both. They always support me in everything that I do. I like playing X Box and working with my dad on our classic car collection. We have 3 dogs as pets and I love playing and swimming with them.
For my Bar Mitzvah project I have chosen the SPCA. There are a lot of rural areas around Rustenburg. The SPCA is in desperate need of any donations they can get. Please donate any dry food for both cats and dogs or if you would like to make a cash donation it would be much appreciated. Thank you.