Shabbat Vayeishev @ Bet David

Please join us this Shabbat for some wonderful celebrations. On Friday, the service will be followed by a l’chaim, sponsored by our chairman Eric Milner, in honour of the Management Committee. This is in appreciation of their dedication and hard work during the past year.

We welcome Tayba Vaughan into the community as a Jew by Choice on Saturday morning. A Brocha follows in honour of Tayba, sponsored by Jared Lipsitz.

Chanukah @ Bet David

Chanukah begins this year on the evening of Tuesday, 12 December. We celebrate the beginning of Chanukah with a short service, followed by a fun dreidels and donuts-evnening and a l’chaim sponsored by Len and Lali Gerber. Please bring your chanukiah and candles.

A second chance to light the chanukiah with us will be on Friday 15 December as part of our Kabbalat Shabbat service.


  • Friday 8 December:
    *Kabbalat Shabbat Service, including December birthday blessings (18:00)
    * L’chaim follows the service in honour of the Bet David Management Committee, sponsored by Eric Milner.
    *Kids’ Club with Donna (18:00)
  • Saturday 9 December:
    *Torah Breakfast (8:45)
    *Shabbat morning service (10:00)
    *Brocha follows in honour of Tayba Vaughan, sponsored by Jared Lipsitz (12:00)
    *Kids’ Club with Donna (10:00)
  • Tuesday 12 December:
    *First night Chanukah service (18:00), followed by a l’chaim sponsored by Len and Lali Gerber, and fun Chanukah dreidel games. Bring your own Chanukiah plus 2 candles to the service to join in lighting the Chanukah lights.


Holiday Schedule

Services will be held each Shabbat at 18.00 on Fridays and 10.00 on Saturday. At this time of year, your presence as part of the congregation helps ensure a Minyan.

Holiday B’rachot catering: Kehillah will be providing a basic b’rachah during the holiday season. If you would like to provide any extras, please bring a vegetarian/parev/milk dish to share.

Travelling over the holiday season?

Visit these SAUPJ congregations: Temple David in Durban, Temple Israel in Port Elizabeth, Temple Hillel in East London and Temple Israel in Greenpoint, Wynberg & West Coast in Cape Town; Are you travelling overseas? Look up locations at

Office hours during holiday period—Monday to Friday: 10am to 3pm. Offices will be closed for the holiday period from 25 December 2017 to 01 January 2018.

Last issue of Ad Kan for 2017 will be next week Thursday. First issue for 2018 will be dated 12 January.

Congregants will be receiving SMS messages in case of important community updates in the meantime.

Emergency/After Hours contact— Rabbi Adrian M Schell SMS or WhatsApp: 076-4486672

Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom and Chanukah Sameiach.

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