Shabbat Vayetei @ Bet David

This weekend at Bet David
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Cheder (17:00)
ITJ Hebrew and Class (18:30)
Friday, 16 November 2018
Shabbat Service (18:00)
followed by a L‘chaim in the gallery to celebrate Divine Mokone’s
10th birthday.
Saturday, 17 November 2018
Breakfast Study (8:45)
Shacharit Service (10:00)
followed by a Brocha (sponsors welcome).
Havdalah & Mitzvah Day (19:00) see attached flyer
Sunday ,18 November
Meet up for the Mitzvah Day Project at Beit Emanuel, 38 Oxford Rd, Parktown (9:30)
Kids‘ Club
We welcome all children to join us this Friday for a fun filled, riveting Shabbat Service held by Thandi, Kani & Debbie followed by a Saturday Morning packed with Poster making for Mitzvah Day, Seed Planting Activity, Parasha Charades
and a lot more fun!
Shabbat Shalom