Shabbat Yitro @ Bet David
This Shabbat Shayne Windrum is celebrating his Bar Mitzvah at Bet David. Please join him and us for this very special occasion. On Friday Evening Netzer is having their first Netzer Night at Bet David. All teenagers between 11 and 18 are invited to take part.
Friday 17 February – 18:00 Kabbalat Shabbat service, 18:00 Kids’ Club with Kendyll for children aged
3 -10 & FIRST Netzer Night for children aged 11 – 18 years.
Saturday 18 February – 08:30 Cheder; 08.45 Torah Breakfast; 10:00 Shabbat Morning Service includes the Bar Mitzvah of Shayne Windrum and farewell blessing for Danielle and Ariel Rosenfeld who will be making Aliyah. Service is followed by a b’rachah in Shayne’s honour sponsored by Martin and Sylvia Borstein and Maxine Windrum; 10:00 Youth activities with Kendyll; 12.45 Modern Jewish Philosophy discussion with Brett Steingo (conclusion)
Sunday 19 February – 10.00 – 16.00 Gabbaim, Bimah Duty and Service Leader Seminar with Rabbi Schell (in the Temporary Synagogue). Please RSVP for catering purposes.
Shayne Windrum – Bar Mitzvah 18 February 2017
Hi, my name is Shayne Windrum. I am in Grade 7 at Cedarwood College. I enjoy studying and learning about Space and the planets that surround us. When I have finished my homework, I relax by playing Clash Royale. I have an older sister, Gemma, who helps me a lot. My mother, Maxine, is always around to guide me. I look forward to celebrating my Bar Mitzvah at Bet David, where I have been a member my whole life.
I have been inspired to help others. Having lived with cats my whole life, I am dedicating my Bar Mitzvah project to the care of cats that are unfortunate not to have a loving family like mine to look after them.
Netzer Night
Netzer Gauteng is launching their monthly Friday Netzer Night’s at Bet David. This is aimed at all children aged between 11 and 18. This week they will be hosting a Netzer treasure Hunt, which promises to be a whole lot of excitement and fun. Please join in the fun on Friday 17 February. For more info please contact Thandi on
Gabbaim, Bimah Duty and Service Leader Seminar
A Sunday hands-on seminar for everyone who likes to take on a more active role in the service. The daylong seminar will be held on 19 February from 10.00 to 16.00 in the Shul. Please RSVP to Rabbi Schell ( if you like to take part.