Shabbat Bo at Bet David:
Friday 23 January
18.00 Kabbalat Shabbat Family Service, with chocolates sponsored by Andie and Steven Smith
Starting this week, once a month Bet David will be offering a Kabbalat Shabbat Family Service. The service will replace our regular service in the main sanctuary, but is not exclusively for families. The service will take a different style,be less formal, and congregants will be introduced to new melodies for the prayers. Everyone is welcome to join, and to participate, and we will encourage lay leader participation.
Saturday 24 January
08.30 Religion School;
10.00 Shabbat Morning Service followed by a b’rachah sponsored by Mervyn and Gail Dendy in honour of their wedding anniversary; 17.30 Introduction to Judaism ‘Meet and Greet’ Welcome and Havdallah for all ITJ students and their families, past students and Bet David members. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to the office for catering
Sunday 25 January
09.00-13.00 Kehillah Food Collection – Pick ’n Pay South Rd, Morningside and Hyde Park. Contact Lesley Rosenberg 0832366823 if you are able to assist
Monday 26 January
18.30—Introduction to Judaism Course commences
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