Worship in the time of Covid

Due to the risks posed by Covid 19 and despite the country’s move to Lockdown Level 1, services will be conducted online for the remainder of 2020. The services, while virtual, remain engaging, meaningful and uplifting and provide a necessary time when congregants to feel connected.

Feel enriched, connected, uplifted, inspired, comfortable and most importantly – welcomed!

At Bet David there are no labels and we welcome everyone,  men and women irrespective of age, marital or family status, faith tradition of origin, or financial means. We welcome the LGBTIQ* community, those with special needs, young professionals, and seniors. Interfaith families have a place with us as well. No differences. Bet David is a home for every Jew. We have an outstanding choir that will deepen your service experience in new ways.

Our English-Hebrew prayer-book, along with song, commentary and full transliteration, makes everyone an active participant. An online edition is available free for download.

Friday Evenings
Erev Shabbat Service
Every Friday · 18.00 ·

Beautiful music, meaningful prayer, and a d’var Torah or short sermon, highlight this spiritual travel from the work week into Shabbat.

Saturday Mornings
Shabbat Morning Service
Every Saturday · 10:00 a.m. ·

Characterised by engaging rabbinical leadership, this service features a blend of traditional and contemporary melodies, Hebrew prayers, English readings, Torah reading, and a sermon around themes found in the week’s Torah portion.